It is a smartphone application
that manages the score sheet of trap shooting.
How to use
Items in this color refer to opinions from reviews
2024.07 Ver:3.1.0 release
Added ScoreBoard to Share menu
Added scorer input function to ScoreBoard
Added sheet output from ScoreBoard
Fixed minor bugs
2024.05 Ver:3.0.2 release
Change menu structure
Note menu changed to Tools menu
Analyze menu moved inside Tools menu
Added Share menu
Added sheet sharing using QR code
Tabbed type selection on ammunition management screen
Fixed inventory added to ammo note
Fixed a bug with the number of days left for permission to ammunition
Fixed a bug with fixed stock of ammo note
2024.01 Ver:2.0.0 release
Added TargetShooting score sheet (Can enabled by Extension setting)
Added ammunition management type (Can enabled by Extension setting)
Supports horizontal scrolling of statistical graphs and tables
Added average consecutive hits to statistics display items
Change the graph display of the TrendChart panel (Can be changed in setting)
Added period specification to aggregation conditions in TrendChart panel
Added type designation to AmmoInfo panel
Fixed minor bugs
2023.12 Ver:1.9.1 release
Added average round score display to seat list
Added score sheet bookmark
Added display size change setting (large screen size only)
Fixed minor bugs
2023.11 Ver:1.8.2 release
Supports horizontal scrolling of line graph panel
2023.04 Ver:1.8.0 release
Update app framework version
Renamed from "Court" to "Field"
Renamed from "ClaySetNumber" to "9SetNumber"
Added an option setting to select the input method of the "Field"
2023.03 Ver:1.7.2 release
Update app framework version
Added screen rotation lock option (for lying operation)
Fixed overwrite bug when reflecting ScoreSheet from RoundMemo
2023.01 Ver:1.7.1 release
Added gun filter settings to some top page panels
(RoundRecord, TrendChart, LineChart, Ranking)
Added Heading Separator Panel
Extend max of panels. (15->25)
Added quick selection of filters for conditional analysis and statistics
Added TrainingMemo to Note
Added comment input for each round to RoundMemo
Fixed minor bugs
2022.12 Ver:1.7.0 release
Renewal of RangeAnalyzer to ConditionalAnalyzer
(Guns and shotshells can now also be analyzed)
Changed how to switch edit mode of ScoreSheet
Added reflection button from RoundMemo on ScoreSheet
Added shotshell to RoundMemo
Added guns and shotshell to filters in Stats
Added guns and shotshell to round display
Added setting color for shotshell. (8->12 colors)
Fixed minor bugs
2022.09 Ver:1.6.4 release
Layout extension of the results screen
Corresponds to moving to the front and back sheets from the result screen
Fixed minor bugs
2022.08 Ver:1.6.3 release
Update app framework version
Added bulk clear button to notes
Added ShootingRange memo to notes
Added ShotShell master management to Setting
Added ShotShell used for round details
Added zoom view of round details to ScoreSheet
Fixed minor bugs
2022.05 Ver:1.5.5 release
Upgrade framework
Upgrade peripheral library
Added number 6 to starting range number (same as 1)
Added summary button at the top left of ShellManagement screen
2022.02 Ver:1.5.4 release
Fixed minor bugs
Performance improvement.
2022.01 Ver:1.5.3 release
Improved ScoreSheet comment input
Display number of checks on item checklist
Keep stock on ShellMemo
Fixed bug when registering/deleting store info
2022.01 Ver:1.5.1 release
Added sheet input assistance from Note
Tablet layout fix
Fixed bug in Note
2022.01 Ver:1.4.0 release
Added "Result" screen to ScoreSheet
Added "RangeAnalyze" to the analysis screen
Added option data to ScoreSheet (Weather, Wind)
Added option data to Round (field, 9set, position, gun)
New "Note" menu
Change menu (Abolition of RoundList)
Added panel on dashboard
Change panel design
2021.12 Ver:1.3.0 release
Added panel layout customization on top screen
Added new panels
Added last sheet on/off switch (top and stats screen)
Changed to be able to set RoundType filter on each screen
Added bulk checkbox to RoundAnalyzer
Expanded specifying period filter
Performance improvement
2021.11 release for iOS
2021.10 Ver:1.1.0 release
2021.09 release for Android